The Proper Way to Teach Your Child to Brush Their Teeth

Your child’s dental health is a reflection of their general health and needs your attention. The foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles may be laid by establishing appropriate oral hygiene practices from an early age. Brushing one’s teeth correctly is a habit that should be instilled as early as possible. In this piece, we’ll show you how to give your kid the best possible brushing experience by following a few simple rules.

  1. Get a Head Start

As soon as your child gets their first tooth, you should start teaching them the importance of taking care of their teeth. It’s a good idea to start preparing your baby’s gums for brushing even before their first teeth appear by wiping them down with a moist cloth.

  1. Pick Appropriate Equipment

It’s important to choose a good toothbrush and toothpaste. Choose a tiny, soft-bristled toothbrush made for children as young as babies and toddlers. Avoid fluoride toothpaste until your child can spit it out on his or her own, about age 3.

  1. Add Some Joy

Your kid should look forward to brushing his or her teeth. Make it a game or a puzzle to increase participation and interest. Make brushing teeth a fun and memorable experience by letting your child pick out a toothbrush that has their favorite character or color, or by playing their favourite song.

  1. Pea-sized amounts of toothpaste should be used. 

A pea-sized quantity of toothpaste is all that’s needed when your youngster is ready to start using it. Fluorosis can be caused by ingesting too much fluoride, so remind them not to swallow the toothpaste.

  1. Technique is Crucial.

Effective brushing relies on proper brushing technique. Just do what I say:

  1. Maintain a 45-degree angle between the toothbrush and gums.

   To clean the front, back, and chewing surfaces of your teeth, 

  1. use a soft toothbrush and circular motions.
  2. Focus on the gumline and other tricky spots.
  3. Brush for at least two minutes, focusing on getting in between the teeth and along the gum line.
  1. Maintain Close Watch Until They’re Finished

Your youngster may not have the manual skill to brush their teeth properly on their own until they are about seven or eight years old. Make sure to keep an eye on them as they brush their teeth to make sure they take their time and use proper technique for the full two minutes.

  1. The Value of Flossing

To clean the spaces between teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach, flossing is essential. As soon as you notice that your child’s two front teeth are touching, you should start flossing.

  1. Create a Schedule

Maintaining a regular routine of good dental hygiene is essential. Brush your kid’s teeth at the same times every day, such as just after breakfast and right before bed. This establishes a routine and emphasizes the significance of cleaning teeth.

  1. Scheduling Biannual Dental Exams

Remember to take your kid in for frequent dental checkups in addition to their everyday brushing practice. Your dentist will be able to evaluate your dental health and advise you on any treatments or changes to your oral care regimen that may be required.


Instilling in your child the proper technique for brushing their teeth is an important first step towards a lifetime of healthy habits. Help your child form a positive association with taking care of their teeth from an early age by making the process interactive and engaging. Always keep in mind that the foundation you lay now for your child’s beautiful, healthy smile will last a lifetime.